
Neovital food supplement cure contains of two mixtures of herbal powders: The mass powder and the cleansing powder. The mass powder soaks off the hardened excrement depositions from the intestines and pushes between the intestines and the depositions. Thus it removes them and stimulates the bowel. Ingredients: Psyllium Husks Powder, Spirulina, papaya herb, dandelion root, pineapple powder, Spitzwegerichkraut, sage, papaya powder, Kardamon. The cleansing powder rubs off the old excrement depositions which were made soft by the mass powder and supports their removal. Ingredients: Oat straw, maize thread, Vogelmiere, Irish moss, Berberitzenwurzelrinde, rosemary, Spitzwegerichkraut. Our Neovital herbal cure unfolds its full effect in the right combination and supports * your health * your intestinal care and your remedial fasting the advantages of this cure are:

  • little time involved
  • no difficult diets or fastings
  • can be carried out by anyone easily at home
  • spares the positive intestinal flora and promotes its increase
  • can be adapted to the individual degree of the clogging
  • remedial reactions can be intercepted by individual dosage
  • makes artificially grown strains of bacteria superfluous.

Because the excrement depositions stay often for decades in the bowel, a realisation of the cure is advisable for at least 3 - 4 months. Large intestines weighing up to 20 kg from old excrement depositions, were already found with autopsies. If your belly shows already very round forms so a 9-month cure is to be recommended.

After the cure you feel considerably better, more fresh and more alive as a rule. You have more energy, often need less sleep and are more efficient, you look healthier and have often even lost weight. Mostly a very positive influence on all chronic illnesses is also ascertained. Perhaps, your behaviour to food adapts itself - without compulsion and renunciation. The appetite for sweets can disappear, perhaps, even completely.

Our intestinal care cure creates a balance to a one-sided nutrition and their clogging results. They feed the intestinal mucous membranes and support the selfcleansing forces of the body. The growth of the important Laktobakterien settled in the bowel is thereby favoured. Therefore, this food supplement cure does not fall under the category medicament (cf. chap. II / 11).

Reference: Europe centre Robert Gray, magazine: Children and youth doctor.
Book: Prost Mahlzeit von U. Grimm